This invitation - to look at things in new and unusual ways, or from someone else's perspective  - is a strong component of our  growing knapsack of suggestions at Learning Together at Home .

The same is true of Reggio Children's suggestions to children, which may also inspire you and  your children. Here are links two two such, and there are other light inspirations  to be found at At Home with The Reggio Approach.

Trees have wrinkles that make them more interesting. , Virginia, 5 yearsTrees are family

Trees have developed an intelligent way of living that means even though they always stand still they can feed, reproduce, communicate with each other, defend themselves, and even play together. ...

We're proposing some suggestions for work, inviting adults to provide the practical support with materials, but not to intervene in the children's drawings.

We'd like to give them the freedom to investigate how trees are structured and organised, not only the formal structure, but trees as an incredibly interesting life form that we would like to understand more deeply

Click the link below to read more ...

Do share your children's creative investigations on our Learning Together at Home section..


Trees are family | Reggio Children

Reggio Children protects and promotes children’s rights and potentials valorising and safeguarding the experience of Reggio Emilia Approach®.
The first thing to do is attach three sheets of paper together with sticky tape. The paper can be medium size, like A4 printer paper (21x30cm).

What if you were a…? 

The first thing to do is attach three sheets of paper together with sticky tape. The paper can be medium size, like A4 printer paper (21x30cm).When we all look at something, we think everyone is seeing what we see, but that isn't exactly what happens. This is a game for reflecting and thinking about how the same object can be seen and interpreted in different ways.

There are many eyes, many minds, many ways of perceiving.

Everyone has a table and a chair at home.

Let's try and draw them on the first sheet of paper the way we usually see them.

 ...  now let's try and make ourselves as small as small can be… as small as an ant.

    ... Now we're going to grow as big as big as big can be… as big as an elephant

Click the link below to read more ...

Do share your children's creative investigations on our Learning Together at Home section..

...What if you were a…? | Reggio Children

Reggio Children protects and promotes children’s rights and potentials valorising and safeguarding the experience of Reggio Emilia Approach®.