c. Daily Mirror Despite the Education Hustings event being cancelled, we have heard some politicians thoughts and intents on education:

"The Next time we see a Tory education policy based on evidence will be the First time we see a Tory education policy based on evidence." (Ian Mearns, Gateshead MP); 

"Start with children - in preschool - 30 hours a week for all children - in life we need to do things together: let our children enjoy those wonderful creative preschool years together, so that their memories are of learning and doing things together - that's what makes humans strong and support each other." (Jeremy Corbyn, Leader, Labour Party.) 

Both at packed public rally in Gateshead, 5th July. It is so refreshing to hear speeches beginning with the need for education for young children - not just 'childcare for parents' or 'training for global competition' - but on championing sociable learning, and on values for life.