MORE THAN A SCORE: Wed 29 March 2017 6 - 8p.m Maurice Barnett Room, Central Hall Westminster
Join us as we launch the alternative to the current system of primary assessment and accountability. More Than a Score, of which Sightlines Initiative is a member, is uniting teachers, parents, professionals and experts who want children to be at the heart of education policy. Assessment should value children as individuals, not numbers.
Schools, parents and teachers are waiting for the Department of Education to launch its consultation on the future of primary assessment. The system is broken and urgently needs real and meaningful reform.
More Than a Score is committed to promoting a range of forms of assessment to influence teaching effectively -and reveal the full range of a child's abilities - rather than to judge schools.
We are campaigning with teachers, parents and others to end the present system of assessment and introduce an alternative model which enjoys professional and public confidence.
This event is open to teachers, parents, school governors and those with an interest in primary education.
It is free to attend, and you can register HERE.