'Democracy has to be lived' - the first days of Reggio's preschools
'The purposes of education'
"Children learn best when teaching aligns with their natural exuberance, energy and curiosity."
"Dear Justine Greening, PLEASE suspend primary testing in Yr2 and Yr6 for 2017 ..."
"Dreaming of a time where schools are able to measure the things that we value rather than value the things that we measure ..."
"This is not OK anymore ..."
Are you a 'Reggio-Inspired' school (or parent) in West London? We are looking for you!
Beyond Memory - Malaguzzi's challenge
Bright young campaigners ...
Children and education at the centre, say politicians
Communication and relationships under our feet ...
Education in the world of the possible: Skylight research group work with Reggio Emilia
I can see You and You can see Me
Lessons from Plowden
Making space for learning, Saying NO to squashing children
More than a Score ...
New perspectives on Early Childhoood Education: free meeting at IoE in London.
Nothing Without Joy
Planetary Messages: global visions of children
Primary Assessment: The Alternative
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