Availability: 76

Price: £4.00

Modern Childhood is an in-house journal published annually in the Swedish language by The Reggio Emilia Instituete in Stockholm. This special issue contains English translations of a variety of representative articles featured in the four previous issues. It is designed to give an English readership a sampling of the work being conducted by the Instituete in Sweden.

The Institute was first founded as a cooperative in January 1993. As the name suggests they embrace both the values and the vision of the child that we associate with Reggio Emilia and the memory of Loris Malaguzzi. For those of them at the Institute in Stockholm, Reggio Emilia serves as a mirror which enables them to take a closer look at both themselves and the challenges they face today as teachers, as parents, as politicians. In there latest issue of modern Childhood, entitled Democracy and Participation, they paraphrase the African saying: "It takes a village to raise a child" to encapsulate the Reggio Emilia experience:"It takes children to raise a democratic society!"

Publisher: The Swedish Reggio Emilia Institute.

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