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Here are selected publications which we value for due to their focus on shared values and practice.
Each One Must Shine
The Educational Legacy of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “the most influential Soviet educationist during the 1960s and 1970s”
by Alan Cockerill
First-hand experience: what matters to children
An alphabet of learning from the real world
by Diane Rich, Mary Jane Drummond, Cathy Myer with Annabelle Dixon
Learning: What Matters to Children
An alphabet of what learners do
by Diane Rich, Mary Jane Drummond and Cathy Myer
Modern Childhood 08
My Heart I Give to Children
Vasily Sukhomlinsky
Sukhomlinsky's account of how he educated young children in a Ukrainian village during the aftermath of the Second World War.
Reflections ... on Visits to Reggio Emilia
Reflections on Early Childhood Education & Care is a collection of papers published by the British Association for Early Childhood Education to mark the first showings of the Exhibition ‘The Hundred Languages of Children’ in Newcastle Upon Tyne and London in 1997.
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