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Price: £3.00

ReFocus is the UK network of early childhood educators, artists and others influenced in their practice by the preschools of Reggio Emilia

Articles include:

'Woodland Kids' by Linda Lines

'Making Learning Intriguing' by Ed Harker

'Bilston Nursery School' by Catherine Webb

'Practically speaking - Clay reigns supreme' by Elaine Mason

'Creature Worlds' by Chris Holmes and Elaine Mason

'The Life of an Idea' by Robin Dickett and Elaine Mason

'A knowledge building project about birds' by Ann Aberg

'In the Best Interests of Children' by Jenny Brain

'Liberating Hopes for a New Culture of Childhood' by Steve Seidel

'Gross National Happiness' by Rajni Bakshi


Issue 2 (2005/06)






This issue contains articles by Steve Seidel, Jenny Brain and Ann Aberg. The journal also includes articles looking at dialogue and documentation, the outdoor environment and the life of an idea. Winter 2005/06

Liberating Hopes for a New Culture Of Childhood - Steve Seidel

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